Memorial Day events

Hello Neighbors,

Summer is here and the Memorial Day events are coming up.  The Board meeting will be on Saturday, May 26th – the Owners meeting and the ever popular potluck will be on Sunday, May 27th.


2 thoughts on “Memorial Day events

  1. My daughter and I are looking for land in the San Juans and are considering all islands. Is there someone living on Start who might be interested in corresponding with us? My daughter is a musician and fashion designer. I am a weaver and writer. We have lived in a small fishing/ranching village on the Big Island and currently live on the Olympic Peninsula. I am interested in day-to-day activities about living on Stuart, such as dealing without a grocery store. Are there farmers on the island who sell their produce? Or does everyone have their own mini farm? If you take the boat taxi to Friday Harbor, how do you transport the groceries back home? How do you get Ups deliveries?

    Any helpful comments are appreciated.

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