Propane Delivery

Got this from Harbor Propane….

Hello everyone,

We are planning to deliver propane to Stuart Island later this month on August 25th, 26th or 27th (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).  We won’t know exactly which day we will be on each side of the island until a little closer to those delivery days.  If, by chance, we run into a wet weather situation on those days, we might need to delay our delivery until it is dry.

As we did for our spring delivery, there will be a flat fee and an additional cents/gallon fee for everyone, in order to cover the cost of the barge.

Please let us know whether or not you will need propane.  If you have a chance to check your tank percentages before we get there, please do and let us know.  You can email the information back to this address or give us a call at 360-378-0379.

In order to service you best, we need your help in keeping your driveway clear and maintained, so that we can get our truck in the right place to get your tank filled.  We would greatly appreciate the removal of any brush, vehicles or obstacles from both the driveway and the area surrounding the tank itself, that may prevent us from successfully reaching your tank.

If anyone has any friends or neighbors that they know might need some fuel and still may not have heard that we are going to be making a delivery, please let them know and have them send us an email or give us a call!

Thank you,

The Crew at Harbor Propane

Harbor Propane

PO BOX 4162

Roche Harbor, WA 98250


Our recent neighborhood Zoom meeting

Our recent neighborhood meeting was held via Zoom.  Many were able to participate, many were not.  Rhys recorded the whole meeting and has made it available for you to view at your leisure.

Click here to access the meeting recording

You will be asked for a password – here it is    1j&#8P#u

You can then view the meeting.  For what its worth it was quite doable, I mean the meeting went well and we were all able to participate as needed.

Pet of the Quarter

I intended to do this more often, but time kind of slipped up on me! I have several deserving dogs, sheep, ??  coming!!

Our Pet of the Week is Roman Dysart. Romans humans are Dana and Dave Dysart.  Roman has been coming to Stuart for longer than many of us.


From Dana –

He’s a 16 year old “super-senior” husky/chow mix adopted from a shelter. Originally a stray transferred from Spokane.  Favorite activity: chasing the deer, fishing and riding in the boat. Fun fact:  he loves to eat bees!!🐝 He been coming to Stuart for 14 years. Favorite sidekick:  Oliver “booboo” 




Happy 4th

Hello fellow Stuart Islanders,
Since San Juan county is still in Phase 2 of the coronavirus pandemic response, which limits gatherings to 5 people or less per week, the Board has agreed to cancel July 4 th celebrations for this year.
For the same reason we are going to try to conduct the Annual meeting on Saturday July 18 @ 10:00am via an internet Zoom format, email and postings. What we will do is get the issues to be discussed out via email and postings around the island prior to the meeting. If you have anything you’d like to add to the discussions please email, call or catch any of the Board members before then and we will get that on the agenda. A Zoom link will be sent later via email to everyone on the email list.
This is a first time for an unusual experience but we can make this work for everyone. I miss seeing all of our friends and interacting as before but this virus is not going away soon and the threat to many here is truly significant.
Board members:
Danette Carroll (425) 293-3636
Kipp Carroll (425) 315-6828
Jason Douglass (425) 301-0864
Bill Shivers (206) 480-8040
Randy Thompson (425) 387-1993
Rhys Spoor (206) 799-8386
Rhys Spoor
Stuart Island Board President