New Barge Share/Forum

Under Neighborhood Info you’ll find an area called Barge Share/Forum.  Jim Andrews is looking to see if anyone else needs a propane appliance hooked up by the propane company. I copied a message that he left before I had that forum set up.  lt’s up and running now, I hope it is useful.

Memorial Day Meeting Summary

This is a short recap with highlights from the recent community meeting. I’ll post the draft minutes when they become available.

Fire Equipment will be updated with new pumps and motors

An aviation radio and headset will be acquired so that whoever is mowing the runway can contact or be contacted by aircraft taking off or landing.

Speeding vehicles on our roads (often younger folks) are an increasing problem, it was agreed that we should all politely say something to the speeder to try to keep this from becoming a bigger issue.

There have been a couple of individuals from the other side of the island that have been using our runway and we will follow-up to remind them that our runway is a private and to be used by owners and guest of owners only.

Burn pile “rules and etiquette” came up – basically, if it didn’t grow on the island and you can’t handle it yourself, don’t put it in the community burn pile.  Please, no metal or manmade materials are allowed in the burn pile.

The 4th of July celebration will be on the Saturday the 7th.

The mail shack will needs repairs and a slight relocation.

The budget will stay at $135 per owner.

Rhys Spoor and Steve Knopp agreed to serve again, and were re-elected for another term.  The board member officers will remain the same as they have been for the last year.

From Rhys “All in all, it was a productive meeting and each vote was unanimous with no dissents except for the time to celebrate the 4th.”

New Website Now Online

I’ve been working off and on (mostly off it seems like) on a more modern design for the website.  It’ll evolve as time goes on but it is at least up and running at this time.  I tried to bring over most the the content from the old site, so there is a lot of duplication right now.  One thing you will notice is that it can be a lot more interactive.  There will be a lot of areas where you can leave comments or suggestions.  I’ll try to let comments show up immediately.  If we get attacked by dirty rotten spammers I’ll have to “moderate” and approve comments.

Also, I have made it so that when you see a picture, or a graphic representation of any page (the mailings, for example, ) if you click on the picture it should present a larger version of the picture you clicked.  Then you can scroll thru the remaining pictures with your mouse wheel, or click on the little arrows on the left and right of the picture to select the previous, or next picture.  I hope that makes sense.

If you have any idea for any other content to add – Rhys suggested the “runway information” page, for example, then let me know and I’ll try to include it here somehow.  Recipes for all that shrimp you caught, or that big lingcod that you ended up with? Maybe that might be interesting.

Thanks, Greg