New Windsock

It looks like it was time for a new windsock. Thanks Rhys and your son McKenzie for putting in the new windsock assembly!  As usual, click on a picture to get a bigger version..

Septic Tank

We are required to have our septic tanks inspected periodically.  The inspection frequency varies.  Several of us took advantage of the free class that was offered a couple years ago allowing property owners to perform the inspection on their own property.

If you aren’t qualified to do your own tests you may have to have your system inspected by a qualified inspector.  Those that took the free class are only qualified to inspect their own systems.

Have any of you researched qualified inspectors?  I got an email from one of our owners asking if I had any info about this whole process.  The answer is no, I don’t, since I can do my own inspection.

Scott Munro is in need of this inspection, so if you have any info regarding this issue, or need a test, let me know via email and I’ll get the info to Scott.  Maybe a group of you can work together and get an inspector onto the island to do several inspections at once and defray some costs.  Email me here and I’ll pass it on to Scott.

Cabin for sale

I post properties that are “for sale by owner” on this site – point at “Neighborhood”  then “Buying or Selling Property on Stuart Island”.  I sure hate to see good neighbors leave though.

Memorial Day Info

Hello Neighbors,

The annual Memorial Day calendar is as follows….

Board Meeting Saturday, 5/24, at 10am

Neighborhood Association meeting Sunday, 5/25, at 10am

The ever popular pot luck will be on Sunday, 5/25 at 5pm.  Bring your own main course, and bring a side dish to share!

All of these events will be at the community hangar building