Sloppy Runway

1/21/2017 Update

The runway is back to its normal sloppy condition.  We had a couple dry days, so that helped the runway condition somewhat.  It still is soft in spots.  there is some rutting and damage just north of the community building. Please respect the cones and be careful.  As always, bewre of soft runways, deer and geese.  USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.


I understand that the runway, after the long deep freeze, is now quite wet and soft due to the heavy rain we have experienced for the last couple days.  It is slippery, and easily damaged, when it is this soft and wet.  Please don’t use the runway until it dries out.  I’ll post again as soon as I get word that it has improved.

Our Runway Condition

UPDATE – The runway has dried out somewhat, and with the cold temps it is firm again.  So, if you have to use it, then please remember that as it defrosts it will be soft, small tires will sink into the turf and leave ruts.  We have had airplanes with smaller tires get stuck in the soft runway.   The runway is slippery when it is wet and frozen.  Remember you use it at  your own risk.


First – Merry Christmas!

I just got a report from “our man on the scene”  Denny.  Denny reports that there is some runway damage due to the freeze last week, and that although it started to firm up a little bit, all the rain that has fallen in the last couple days has left it soft and easily damaged.  UPS has been asked not to fly in until the runway improves.  We are asking that you not use the runway until further notice.  I have asked Denny to let me know when it gets back to a condition that will allow takeoffs and landings.  Thanks for your cooperation.  Santa and his sleigh have permission to land.

Wet Runway

Its that season again – the runway is wet and slippery.  It is getting soft in the usual areas, and that will only get worse with the winter weather.  Please go to the “Our Runway” page and read the warning, it is basically the same every year.  Remember there will not be any notams posted and you use the runway AT YOUR OWN RISK.

New Windsock

I flew in the other day and noticed a very visible new windsock! It has orange and white stripes, instead of the usual all orange style.  I think it is easier to see than the old orange one.  Let us know if you like it better than the old windsock.  By the way, thanks George Renquist for putting this up for us.newsock

Burn Ban

There is a county wide burn ban in effect, and this time it even restricts recreational fires.  Sometimes you are allowed a small outdoor campfire even when there is a burn ban. Not now – ALL outdoor fires are banned.  After they remove this short term ban remember, it is so dry that there is still a hazard.

Burn Ban News Article