Category Archives: Uncategorized
Stuart Island Swap Meet
July Wine and Cheese
July 4th Poster
Fire Brigade info
We met Jordan Pollack – Division Chief San Juan Island Fire-Rescue Outer Island Division at our last community meeting. He has tons of good info and guidance for our community. One of his discussion topics centered around a new “Fire Brigade” that we all have opportunity to be involved with. Rhys asked that I post the following letters for our owners to consider.
Barge Share Possibility
Mike and Sheila, the new owners of Bob Brunkows place, are bringing over a vehicle and some supplies on the Humpback on June 1. They will use the barge again from our island back to Roche on June 7. That means there is availability from Stuart back to Roche on June 1, and then from Roche to Stuart on June 7. Call up the Humpback if you are interested.
interesting Weather Info
Chris Teren set up a weather station on the Teren property in Camp Everhappy. It’s pretty interesting, and good info. Here is a link –
Memorial Day
A note from the Board of Directors –
Stuart Island Airpark Annual Meeting 2024
Hello Stuart Island neighbors,
The grass on the runway is green and smiling faces have started to show up. Spring has arrived and we are looking forward to the Stuart Island Airpark Association Annual Meeting on Sunday May 26th 10:00 am at the Community hangar. A community potluck follows starting with a social hour at 5:00pm.
Some of our main topics this year include:
The Prevost dock has some maintenance to be done. We are going to need some volunteers to help get some projects done this summer. There are some really low tides on June 5, 6 and 7 at the right time of day to do some of this work, specifically installing new chains to hold the dock in place.
With a likely warm summer and lots of Stuart Island fuel fire awareness, control and suppression will be discussed along with opportunities for emergency medical care process and training for those interested. With that in mind, San Juan Island Fire and Rescue will be sending over the new chief for the Outer islands, Jordan Pollack. He’s going to give a short presentation and explain the concept of a fire brigade which we’ve started putting together over the winter. It’s a really good thing for the community, but it will take participation so I’m hoping we’ll get some volunteers. It’s in all of our best interest to have a robust and effective fire suppression system and emergency medical care.
The continuing usual maintenance of the community roads, runway, burn pile and community center will be discussed along with the yearly budget. What kind of community events for the summer do we want to plan? A financial report will be discussed and can be accessed on the website. We also have had changes to the Board and with expiring member terms will be looking for nominations and election of some new Board members.
There will be a Board meeting on Saturday May 25th at 10:00am at the Community hangar. All are encouraged to attend.
There are some new faces to welcome and a few friends to say a final goodbye.
If you can’t make the meeting and have something you want to add please reach out via a call or text to my cell number below.
Rhys Spoor 206 799-8386
See you all soon.
The Stuart Island Airpark Board
Jason Douglass
Randy Thompson
Janelle Davis
Jen Potter
Rhys Spoor
Grocery Delivery
Heres a note from Jason and San Juan Airlines –
Hello Stuart Islanders!
We’ve had a great response to the “fresh groceries from Bellingham” delivery program . Sign ups are complete, and we are ready to start the service. Here are all the details.
Delivery dates will be listed after I gauge the interest.
To keep this economical and predictable for everyone, we’re setting this up as a subscription service, with a 5 month commitment. The payment schedule is also detailed below. Our first delivery will be in June, and our last delivery will be in September (actual date TBD) We will contact everyone to determine if the group wants to continue service after the pre-determined cut off date.
Your grocery order needs to be delivered to our address below, between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM on designated delivery dates (TBD).
San Juan Airlines
4167 Mitchell Way
Bellingham WA, 98226.
Outlets in Bellingham with delivery services available include (but are not limited to) the following
- Costco ( : Select “Grocery”, Set Delivery Zipcode to 98226)
- Fred Myer ( : In the upper right hand corner of the page, click on ‘Pickup at’ or ‘Delivery to’, set the zip code to 98226 and click on ‘Delivery’)
- Cash and Carry (
- Safeway ( : Select the 1275 Sunset Drive Location, Zip code 98226)
Be sure to use 98226 as your delivery zip code.
Lead times can be several days for delivery. It is recommended that you get your order in at least 5 days in advance.
When you make your order from any of these, there may be a delivery charge from either Instacart, or other delivery service designated by the store. This is independent of our delivery charges. For additional ordering details and how our service works, please visit Please note that the delivery charges and locations listed at this link do not apply to Stuart Island delivery.
Important Details – Please Read Carefully!
- We will deliver the groceries to the Mail Shack at Stuart Island East on the designated days.
- Please be at the shed at 3:20 PM for pickup. We’ll send you a notification if for some reason we’re going to be more than 15 minutes late (I’ll need your cell phone number if you want to be included on those notifications).
- You are allowed up to 75 lbs per load. When you make your order, the cart will give you a total weight of groceries – please pay attention to this. We will have room for a little overage collectively, but not too much. Charges may apply to overages based on bulk, space, and your needs.
- We will call you if there are issues with the load to determine how to best handle your freight delivery needs.
- In the case where there are overages that we cannot fit on the airplane due to weight or bulk, and we cannot get ahold of you on delivery day, we will prioritize perishables and cold storage items.
- Any items either too large to fit into the plane on the designated day, or overages will be delivered opportunistically to Stuart Island with the UPS delivery.
- To save space in the airplane, and maximize loads, we will be using re-usable totes to pack the groceries. You will need to bring your own bags, boxes, or other containers to get them back to your residence from the mail shed.
- If for some reason we need to delay your delivery from Bellingham to Stuart, we will contact you with an updated schedule.
We’re looking forward to seeing all of you!
Many thanks,
Jason Douglass
Owner, San Juan Airlines
Phone: 360.676.9999
Toll Free: 800.874.4434
![SJA-logo png](
Geese on the runway
Pilots beware, the geese are reported to be really active and there are a lot of them on our runway. Be cautious..