More Sad News


I had a long conversation today with our friend and one time neighbor Scott Munro.  He told me the sad news that his wife Kat passed away last weekend.

Scott and Kat recently moved to the Florida Atlantic coast, just south of Jacksonville, from Rhode Island.  They were beginning to get settled into the retirement lifestyle.  I don’t have any details, but she passed away very quickly last Saturday.

Keep Kat, Scott and their families in your prayers.

I took some info that Scott included on his Facebook page, with his permission –

Click here to read his post about Kat


Bid high and bid often

iliamnaFellow Stuart Islanders!
Pat and Jessica Hart have donated an Alaskan Fishing Trip Adventure for Two as an auction item to raise funds for the needed repairs on the Reid Harbor ramp.
Please see the attached flyer for details. Estimated $8000 to $10000 value.
The present bid for this trip is $2000. (The trip is transferable)
Please spread the word about this fantastic opportunity.
If you would like to bid on this item, just REPLY ALL so bidding  can be viewed by everyone. If you wish to stay anonymous just reply to me (Randy Thompson and I will give you the status of your bid. Good Luck!
(A big thank you to the Hart’s for their generous offer!)

Fishing Trip Auction

image1recent email follows.. contact Randy if you are interested in bidding….

Fellow Stuart Islanders!
Pat and Jessica Hart have donated an Alaskan Fishing Trip Adventure for Two as an auction item to raise funds for the needed repairs on the Reid Harbor ramp.
Please see the attached flyer for details. Estimated $8000 to $10000 value.
The present bid for this trip is $1350.
Please spread the word about this fantastic opportunity.
If you would like to bid on this item, just REPLY ALL so bidding  can be viewed by everyone. If you wish to stay anonymous just reply to me (Randy Thompson and I will give you the status of your bid. Good Luck!
(A big thank you to the Hart’s for their generous offer!)


Boat Ramp / Fishing lodge trip auction

All, the association is raising some money in order to make improvements to our boat ramp.  There have been a couple fund raisers that have helped.  Recently owner Pat Hart donated a very nice trip to his lodge up in Alaska.  I will post details soon, but the intent is to auction the trip off and use the proceeds on the ramp project.  My understanding is that bidding is open and the winner will be announced over the labor day holiday activities.  I will post more details soon.

Thanks Pat Hart!

More Sad News..

We recently lost another long time resident and friend – Sandy Berman.  Sandy fought some awful cancer for many years.  One thing that always struck me was how cheerful she could be, even when she was going thru treatment.  Sandy you will be missed by our community.SandyBerman2