Our Runway Condition

UPDATE – The runway has dried out somewhat, and with the cold temps it is firm again.  So, if you have to use it, then please remember that as it defrosts it will be soft, small tires will sink into the turf and leave ruts.  We have had airplanes with smaller tires get stuck in the soft runway.   The runway is slippery when it is wet and frozen.  Remember you use it at  your own risk.


First – Merry Christmas!

I just got a report from “our man on the scene”  Denny.  Denny reports that there is some runway damage due to the freeze last week, and that although it started to firm up a little bit, all the rain that has fallen in the last couple days has left it soft and easily damaged.  UPS has been asked not to fly in until the runway improves.  We are asking that you not use the runway until further notice.  I have asked Denny to let me know when it gets back to a condition that will allow takeoffs and landings.  Thanks for your cooperation.  Santa and his sleigh have permission to land.

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