This is one of the hardest posts I’ve typed up. We lost our dear friend Allen Stilwill. Details are unclear right now, but we heard that Allen was found in his home in Parker, Arizona. I’m sure we will have some kind of remembrance for Allen on the island; I’ll put details about that as plans develop. We love and miss you Papa Allen.
Author Archives: admin
Dancing under the mirror ball….
Successful Flea Market and Bake Sale
Interesting Weather Site
I found this site pretty interesting, check it out.
4th Of July
Upcoming Meetings
A quick reminder, the board meeting will be May 28th, 10 am and our annual neighborhood meeting will be on Sunday, May 29th at 10 am. All are invited to attend both meetings (both will be at the community building.)
The May 2016 mailing, with the cash flow analysis and the proposed budget have been uploaded to the mailings area.
Remember – You use the East Stuart Island runway At Your Own Risk
Memorial Day Info
The Runway is soft and wet
Friends, we have had at least 2 more incidents involving airplanes not performing well on the wet, soft runway. The runway is not in good condition.
If you land or takeoff from the East Stuart Island runway you do so at your own peril.
We do not have personnel to continuously monitor the condition of the runway. We should all know that after periods of rain the runway can be hazardous. Even on nice days like today, the runway is still soft. The ground is so saturated with water that when you step on it you feel water squishing out. Our runway can be soft and slippery at any time if it is this wet. Add in some winds, some deer or geese and it can be hazardous.
Please be careful. Remember you use the runway at your own risk. Do not expect a “notam” to be posted here on this neighborhood website. We will post info if we get it but I cannot guarantee that it will be in a timely manner! The nature of it is that if the weather has been bad, nobody is there to even give a report. Please keep that in mind.
Sorry for the rant but we feel need to remind all pilots that they need to keep the runway conditions, their airplanes performance and their own personal experience levels in mind when making the decision to use the runway.
Ken and Mary Alice neighborhood party
UPDATE… the information below is from Ken re slight change in plans…
Change of plans, folks. Actually, several of us will turn 75 yo this season. So, Mary Alice and I will host a party for all of these youngsters and their neighbors on Stuart. . Stay tuned for time and date which is being negotiated…Ken
Ken put this on the forum, but I thought I’d put it here to make sure it is seen by more people! Spread the word, its a nice way to start the season. Thanks Ken and Mary Alice!
“We will be returning to Stuart on/or about April 28 this year which is early for us “South of the Border” types. On either May 13 or 14 we will be holding a “Mary Alice is 75 Party”. All are invited to attend…watch for the details.
Hasta luego…”