Memorial Day

A note from the Board of Directors –

Stuart Island Airpark Annual Meeting 2024

Hello Stuart Island neighbors,

The grass on the runway is green and smiling faces have started to show up. Spring has arrived and we are looking forward to the Stuart Island Airpark Association Annual Meeting on Sunday May 26th 10:00 am at the Community hangar. A community potluck follows starting with a social hour at 5:00pm. 

Some of our main topics this year include:

The Prevost dock has some  maintenance to be done. We are going to need some volunteers to help get some projects done this summer. There are some really low tides on June 5, 6 and 7 at the right time of day to do some of this work, specifically installing new chains to hold the dock in place. 

With a likely warm summer and lots of Stuart Island fuel fire awareness, control and suppression will be discussed along with opportunities for emergency medical care process and training for those interested. With that in mind, San Juan Island Fire and Rescue will be sending over the new chief for the Outer islands, Jordan Pollack. He’s going to give a short presentation and explain the concept of a fire brigade which we’ve started putting together over the winter. It’s a really good thing for the community, but it will take participation so I’m hoping we’ll get some volunteers.  It’s in all of our best interest to have a robust and effective fire suppression system and emergency medical care.

The continuing usual maintenance of the community roads, runway, burn pile and community center will be discussed along with the yearly budget. What kind of community events for the summer do we want to plan?  A financial report will be discussed and can be accessed on the website. We also have had changes to the Board and with expiring member terms will be looking for nominations and election of some new Board members.

There will be a Board meeting on Saturday May 25th at 10:00am  at the Community hangar.  All are encouraged to attend.

There are some new faces to welcome and a few friends to say a final goodbye. 

If you can’t make the meeting and have something you want to add please reach out via a call or text to my cell number below.

Rhys Spoor           206 799-8386            

See you all soon.

The Stuart Island Airpark Board 

Jason Douglass    

Randy Thompson 

Janelle Davis           

Jen Potter 

Rhys Spoor  

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