
Stuart Island Airway Park Owner’s Association

Board Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2017

Trustees in Attendance: Rhys Spoor, Jason Douglass, June Bohannon, sub for Joan Root, Randy

Thompson, Steve Knopp, Denny Swirtz and member Mike Noble.

President Rhys Spoor called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. Minutes from the May 27th

meeting were approved as read.

GUND RAMP: Denny reported that the Gund family has taken their property off the market

for now. They do not want to transfer ramp ownership at this time. Jason asked if the Gund

family would allow us to make some improvements on the ramp.

INSURANCE: Rhys will talk to Peter Mucklestone about the overlap in our insurance coverage.

NEW BUSINESS: Rhys brought up the problem of a tall-masted sailboat that is sometimes tied

up on the dock. It could be a problem with aircraft landing on the airstrip. The float is owned by

Jack Davis and Ken Snyder and it has been moved closer to the flight path. Jack’s son owns the

sailboat. Rhys will ask Peter Mucklestone about writing a letter to the involved parties to try and

resolve the issue.

WPA CABIN: Recently a fire was left unattended at the cabin. Rhys will suggest to WPA contact

Tom Jensen to caution those using the cabin of the fire danger and also the need to clean debris

around the cabin.

BURN BAN: Denny reported that the burn ban is now in effect. Signs will be put up.

SAFETY INFORMATION: Rhys suggested that emergency numbers be posted in the hangar for

the fire department, sheriff and NW Airlift. (Should be painted). Randy talked to the NW Airlift

rep at the fair this summer and was told that we are to call 911 for any emergency or air lift

assistance. DO NOT call them direct. Rhys will confirm this information. It has been rumored

that Medicare will cover cost of airlift, but that is not so. Everyone must have their own policy.

AED: Rhys asked if the AED batteries were o.k. Denny confirmed that they are. It was suggested

that we offer a CPR First Aid class after our May 2018 meeting. This could be announced in the

May letter to owners.

OTHER BUSINESS: Rhys told of Bill Babcock’s accident and that he flew Bill off the island to the

hospital. He is doing fine.

Mike Noble asked about the fire suppressant machine that was donated to the association and

how it operates. Denny has not been able to get it working. Jason and others will work on it.

Steve reported that a broken-down truck was parked on his airplane lot and he wants it moved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Randy reported: $17,132.04 in savings and $17,693.02 in checking.

Twenty seven members have not paid their dues, 17 of those 27 never pay.

Several properties have sold or changed ownership recently.

Clark’s – now the Carroll’s

Cotrell’s – now the McLean’s

Campbell’s – now owned by their son David

Saunder’s – now owned by their son Steve

Aldridge – now the Aggergaard’s

Monroe’s – now Harry Truitt

Meeting was adjourned at 11:07 am.

June Bohannon, Secretary sub for Joan Root