Minutes of May 27, 2012

Stuart Island Airway Park Owners Association

Board of Trustees

Trustees in Attendance:

Rhys Spoor, Steve Knopp (Absent), June Bohannon, Sally Linwick, Greg Schmitt, Denny Swirtz

Members in Attendance:

Mark Green and Fritz Bright

Approval of pervious meeting minutes:

The minutes for the July, 11, 2011, board meeting were approved as presented

Old Business:


It was decided that moving the dock in Prevost is a dead issue, with the shoreline management rules, dock permits not located, and costs we just need to let well enough alone

Rhys mentioned that the anchors need to be worked on


Much discussion was held on how we make it known that we are a private runway

Rhys stated that there is a house bill in the state Leg. That passed a law that was an existing law, which redefines a private airstrip.  This law will give us a bit more liability protection for being a private runway.  We still need to keep up our insurance on the runway.

 It was suggested that we put a notice on the web site that we are private and use is by permission only

Denny stated that runway was in pretty good shape has been fertilized and mowed.

Denny stated that he could use some help mowing.  June suggested that people can sign up on the white board in the hangar and check what needs to be done.  June said she would get a new pen in the hangar

Cell Tower

June reported that Dave Nutter told her that Verizon was not interested in having a cell tower on Stuart Island

July 4th celebration

Sally asked the board for a date for the 4th of July celebration, as the 4th falls on a Wed.  The board will suggest July 7th for the celebration



It has been reported that residents are pleased with the condition of the roads

Mark Green reported that some ditch work could be done on the hill down from the Hart cabin, there seems to be a lot of runoff of water there

Mark Green suggested that we have a work party after the meeting picking up limbs that are in or near the roadway.  He volunteered to drive his truck to help with this project

Mail Shed

Denny reported that a tree fell on the shed over the winter.  Denny and Bud Wasser worked on removing the tree and repairing the shed

There was a suggestion that we move the mail shed to a better place as Steve is having trouble parking his plane and Denny said it is very dark in the area that it is in now in the winter time.


Sally presented the budget as mailed to the membership.  She talked about the non payers and the problems she is having getting them to pay.  The rest of the payers will have to pick up the slack.  The dues for this year look to be about $135.00, this figure will be voted on at the annual meeting


Rhys and Steve said that they would be willing to serve again for another three years if the body voted for them


New Business

Mark Green passed around pictures of the non vegetation materials he found in the burn pile last fall.  He spent a lot of time sorting through and hauling off the non vegetation items in the pile.  It was suggested that we put up signs and notices that only item that grow on the island are allowed in the pile.  Stumps are also a problem and are difficult to burn.  It was stated that if you cannot handle the vegetation by hand, it is too big for the pile.  Someone put a sixty foot tree on the pile and Mark had to cut it up.  It was suggested that anyone building or clearing land need to pay to burn and  hire Mark to do this and not have the association pay

Rhys stated that the WPA has done a lot of work on their cabin and brought up a concern as to whether we will have more airplanes here from this group. 

Meeting adjourned at 10:00AM

06/03/12 draft JB