Minutes of Annual Meeting
Stuart Island Airway Park Owner’s Association
May 19, 2015
Trustees in Attendance:
Rhys Spoor, President Steve Knopp, Trustee Randy Thompson, Treasurer
June Bohannon, Secretary Jason Douglass, Vice President Denny Swirtz, Trustee
Rhys opened the meeting with the flag salute.
The 2014 minutes were approved as posted in the mail shed and the web page
Board reports:
Air Port Report & Runway Run way report:
It was reported by Rhys that the Washington Pilots wish to host a “fly In”
On Stuart in August
A long discussion was held on this subject; i.e. how many people, how many planes, where will they park the planes, what about camping spots, fires, out house use and so forth. It was decided that more information would be needed before we can make a decision on this matter. George Renquist stated that he and Bob Brunkow are having their “Quiet Birdmen” fly in on Aug. 15, the same date the WPA had asked for. George and Bob furnish all the parking for their event they also school them about where to go, where to park, and just being good guests while they are on Stuart Island. The WPA would like to use our runway for a sort of air show with landing and takeoff practice and also flour bombing. (This is not anything we will allow on our runway. We need to limit our liability.)
Howard proposed that we have Peter Mucklestone write a draft with a proposal for the board to act on any organized fly in Peter agreed to do this the motion was made, seconded and passed.
Denny reported that the east end of the runway was very wet this past winter with planes digging ruts in the runway
Denny also reported that our lawn mowers are aging and a new larger one that would cut our mowing in half would be very useful. This mower would be just used for the runway mowing. Denny said that the other two mowers would be used for the common areas. One mower is called a “Dixie Chopper” with the price being about 5- 8 thousand dollars. The runway has been fertilized this year. Denny thanked all those who help mow
It was reported that people are crossing the middle and ends of the runway without looking for planes and going way too fast. It was suggested that we created a “threshold” at both ends of the runway and put up signs for people to stop and look before crossing. The signs should be on each end. A motion was made seconded and passed to make a “threshold” and put up signs at the ends and the middle of the runway. The “threshold” would help the pilots to mark their landing.
Steve proposed to mark the ”Threshold” on each end of the runway and a sign in the middle of the runway that will state “do not cross” motion was seconded and approved
Fire Report:
Jason Douglass reported on a proposed fire system for homeowners to install on their water tanks. He did a lot of research and presented a packet about the system that homeowners could get together and share the equipment with their neighbors.
Jason offered to help people order the equipment if needed.
Jason was given a hand for all his effort on this project
It was suggested that our water tanks should be topped off to make sure we have enough water on hand
Dock Report
Our dock is not a legal dock and it is the board suggestion to just leave it be. The county knows that we have a dock, as they use it.
We need new signage to state that is a private dock, Bow tie only.
Earl Root nailed down some loose board on the Prevost dock
George reported that the rock marker is gone by the Prevost dock
Financial Report:
Randy presented the budget for 2015
Expenses were explained; i.e. insurance, taxes, and administration expenses.
One of the expenses was the hangar renovation. ( this project was all paid for by fundraiser and donations.)
Randy recommended that we purchase another computer for the secretary and another printer for board use
Randy thanked all of those who donated time, money and items for the community
This year’s budget is pretty much the same as last year.
A assessment of $64.00
The board recommends that we purchase a Dixie Chopper. We can deplete our equipment replacement reserve or assess at $150.00 per property owner.
The board proposes that we accept the $150.00 proposal.
Charlene Renquist proposed that we raise the assessment to $150.00 and hold it there for the upcoming years. Motion was seconded and approved.
Mark Green offered to transport the new mower and the paint needed for the hangar
We will have our 4th of July celebration on July 4th. Charlene Douglass offered to head up the children’s games. There will also be a parade and pot luck in the evening
Diane announced that there will be a toxic waste pick up at the School on June 13. Mike will boat items to the Prevost dock with someone with a truck to transport them to the school. Gather up old paint, cleaners, batteries and so forth.
The hangar project is almost complete. Howard has ordered a generator for our lights, paint, and also the holes that the birds come in will be sealed up.
A thank you was issued to Howard and committee, the ones who cleaned the windows and floor for our meeting and potluck
Remember potluck tonight starting at 5:00
Craig Campbell passed away last year
Rhys Spoor and Steve Knopp agreed to serve another term. Everyone voted to have them serve for another three years.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50AM
05/27/15 draft JB