Minutes of May 24, 2014
Stuart Island Airway Park Owners Association
Board of Trustees
Trustees in Attendance:
Rhys Spoor, Steve Knopp, June Bohannon, Sally Linwick, Greg Schmitt absent and Denny Swirtz
in Attendance:
and Charlene Douglass
Approval of pervious meeting minutes:
The minutes for the May, 25, 2013, board meeting were approved as presented
Old Business & Board Members Reports:
Denny Swirtz reported that the new address for Stuart Island that were in conflict with addresses on San Juan were not taken care of and should be done
Fire protection:
Rhys reported that the new Honda engines are installed. Rhys also reported that the fire wagons need new tires.
Rhys discussed the need for more fire protection and asked Denny to look into the idea of Stuart Island becoming its own fire district.
Some suggestions to improve our fire protections would be to get more wagons, hoses, pumps and improve our siren. Steve said he had a fire hose that the community could have to use.
The roads are reported to be in good shape. It was suggested that we purchase more gravel
The dock is solid with the new anchors and chain that were installed last summer. The ramp has been repaired
The runway is in good shape Denny reported that he would fertilize in the fall.
Denny offered another lawn mower clinic for those who would like to help mow.
Denny reported that the old lawnmower is in bad shape and is not being used. Denny suggested we try and see if anyone wants to buy it
The mowers will need new batteries this season
It was stressed that we are a “Private” runway and is only for use by property owners and their guests, charters, and Washington Pilots who use their cabin
Denny asked that we purchase some new cones for the runway
New Business:
The hangar floor is complete and the next issue will be doors and windows to enclose the hangar
Denny donated another slider to match the one we have already
Sally went through the proposed budget
Rhys asked that the treasurer send out at least one invoice to those who do not pay.
Sally reported on the budget and that the dues for this year come to $105.00
A motion was made by June to purchase new batteries and tires for the lawn mower and cones for the runway. Motions was seconded and carried
Our 4th of July celebration will be held on July 5th. There will be games, parade and a potluck in the evening
It was reported that Carole Campbell passed away this past year
New board members will be chosen for Sally and Greg
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05
5/25/14 Draft JB