
Minutes of July 30, 2011

Stuart Island Airway Park Owners Association

Board Meeting

Trustees in Attendance:

Rhys Spoor, Steve Knopp, June Bohannon, Sally Linwick, Greg Schmitt, & Denny Swirtz

Members in Attendance:
Lin Bunton, John Bunton & Diane Noble

President, Rhys Spoor called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM

Approval of Meeting Minutes:

June read the minutes of the previous board meeting of May 28, 2011.  The minutes were approved as read.

Old Business:

Steve reported that he placed the donated pump in the storage room for fire use.

Steve said he would place the sign up at the State Park, Diane reported that they have placed the sign up on the trail.

Rhys reported that he donated parts to fix the fire wagon that needed engine repair.  The wagon is now up and running.

The Prevost dock pump is up and running with the repair work done by Denny Bohannon and Greg Bruce.

June reported on the cell tower Verizon may be interested in putting on Stuart on our side.  There was confusion if we are getting Rock Island internet or Verizon.  June said she would check with Dave Nutter to get more information about the tower.  Rhys said that if he had all the information from Dave he would try and make contact with the company.  Denny reported that ATT did make some changes in their coverage and people are having trouble getting service.

Greg Schmitt reported that a new dock cart has been purchased and donated by Him and is to be used at the dock.

Treasurer Report:

Sally reported that dues have been coming in and people are not complaining about the increase in dues.  There are only 24 people who have not paid at this time.  There are 14 who do not pay.  The level on donations is down from last year.  The insurance is paid at this time.  Some people paid twice and will be contacted about their over-payment. 


Denny reported that the Propane barge will be here in Aug. and we may be able to get a gravel truck on that load.  Denny said he would make the contacts to see if that could be done.  He will check with Mark Green to see what kind of material to order.  $3,100.00 has been set aside for the gravel.


Prevost Dock:

Sally and June reported that they were unable to find any documents that state we have a permit for the Prevost dock.  Much discussion was held about what needs to be done with the relocation of the dock and the report that Dave Clark submitted from his committee.  We know that we should not go ahead with this project without doing it in the correct order.   James Keithly said that he would look at what we have and see if we do have permits and what is needed to make it a safer place.  Sally suggested that maybe the parking of the cars should be looked at and try to relocate the parking and the road that is used is not at the end of the runway.  It was noted that everyone seems to be bow tying their boats this year.  Since we know that permits are an issue we need to not be moving things around at this time.  It was suggested that people park up above the parking area in the off season.  Steve made a motion that we put better signs up to warn the people that there is a danger of low flying aircraft above the dock and improve signs around the runway, motion was seconded and approved.   It was suggested that we have more private signs up and also to use at your own risk signs.


Steve reported that the mail shed is in the easement area and he would like it moved.

Steve said that we cannot put a “NOTAM” on a private runway.  We will close the runway on the first Tues. of Dec. and that notices will be sent to all airlines that use our runway.

Rhys talked about what we need to do about the dock.  He stated that we cannot change the past and we need to go forward and see if this something that we need to go forward with.

Our next meeting was set for Sept. 10, 2011 at 1:00 PM.  The meeting adjourned at 10:58

8/6/2011 draft jb