Minutes of September 5, 2010
Stuart Island Airway Park Owners Association
Board of Trustees
Trustees in Attendance:
Rhys Spoor, Steve Knopp, June Bohannon, Denny Swirtz, Greg Schmitt and Sally Linwick.
Members in Attendance:
Diane Noble
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The minutes for the July 18, 2010 meeting were approved by Rhys and seconded by Sally.
Old Business:
Road Status:
- Two dump trucks of gravel were delivered in August
- Mark Green will be hired to back fill, blade and fill in pot holes
- Rhys will e-mail Mark and arrange this work and check on Mark’s fees. Mark will also be asked to burn the burn pile
- Greg and Rhys reported that the chain on the dock has corroded and not of use at this time. Ropes are holding the anchors in place and the ropes need to be replaced
- Mark Green suggested we use the cement blocks that were poured a couple of years ago for new anchors on the dock
- Rhys will ask Mark to bore holes in the blocks so they can be used for the dock and installed in the spring
- Much discussion was held on the dock and how larger boats then 15’ are tying up to the dock. The board will send a notice in the spring mailing that only boats under 15’ can use the dock for longer stays and only to bow tie to the dock
- It was suggested that we make new signs for the dock and also on the dock for the loading zone
By Laws
- Ken Snyder submitted a document he worked on for the committee. Craig also had suggestions for the committee
- A lengthy discussion was held on who is a member and who can use the runway and what a private runway means. Steve said that he would check with the FAA on this matter
- The bylaw committee should have something to present by spring
- Sally suggested that people should have a proxy vote if they cannot come to the annual meeting, especially on budgeted items. This will be discussed more over the winter
- A reminder was made that the runway will be closed the first Tuesday in December. A notification will be sent to all commercial airlines about this and also Greg Bruce will be asked to post the date on the web site
Treasurer Report
- Sally reported that $7,000.00 dues have been paid
- A second notice will be sent out to those who have not paid
- Approximately $4,900.00 has been spent so far on projects
Fire Protection
- Rhys reported that he has a concern about fires on the island, we have very little protection with just our fire wagons and feels that the county should do something for us with the taxes we pay to give us some equipment to fight fires. Rhys will research this matter
- Steve offered a pump that he has and will donate it and bring it to the hanger
- Denny was asked to drain the wagons and take down the Burn Ban signs
Storage Room
- A combination lock will be installed on the door
- A big thank you to Earl Root, Mike Noble and Warren Jones for all their work on the hanger and storage room
McDowell Property
- Loie Benson reported to the board that after looking up the McDowell property on the county web site it is noted that 35 acres are in conservation and this is the area where the trail is located that goes to the state park. We will check with the county to see if we do have direct access to the trail
- Steve reported that the state park sign was down on the trail. Steve will replace the post in the spring and put the sign back up
Community e-mail
- Greg Bruce would like to put together an e-mail list so everyone could be contacted if there were reason to from one e-mail. It was decided to talk to the membership in the spring about this matter
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35pm
9/5/2010 Draft JB