Minutes of Annual Meeting
Stuart Island Airway Park Owner’s Association
May 30, 2010
Trustees in Attendance:
Greg Bruce, V.P. Sally Linwick Diane Noble, Secretary/Treasurer
Steve Knopp Rhys Spoor
Welcome meeting was called to order by Vice President, Greg Bruce. There were approximately fifty members in attendance. Greg requested The Board and members in attendance introduce themselves.
The minutes of last year’s annual meeting were read and approved, without any changes or corrections. Members were reminded that the minutes are posted on our web site at StuartIsland.org.
Board Reports:
Steve Knopp reported that the roads looked good. He also reminded everyone to clean and remove slash to the burn pile. It was mentioned that some places need some fill on the roads from the assoc. sand pile. We will wait until the weather dries up to work on the potholes.
Greg Bruce mentioned the road naming. There is a map on the web site with the names of the roads that are already in place and the roads that still need names. Dave Clark suggested that the roads should not be named after people, but landmarks, birds, or geographical locations as mentioned by Ted Teren. We will compile recommendations and submit them to the board for their approval.
Airfield – Greg Bruce reported that the runway was in good condition now. Some ruts will need to be addressed. George Rehnquist donated a roller but it will need to be used at the opportune time, when the ground is soft and not wet. A lengthy discussion was held regarding the approach and departure of the airstrip. Pilots need to check their charts for the radio frequency before using the airstrip. It was also suggested that the frequency be posted on the web site. No consensus was made at this time and President Greg Bruce chose to move ahead with the meeting.
Fire Protection – Rhys Spoor mentioned that the siren worked as a backup to alert people of a fire. Rainwater tank is in place and the wagons are full. The message board is up in the hanger to write down any fire information. The wagons are in working order but the pumps and wagons are getting old. Greg Bruce thanked Rhys Spoor for having things in place when we had a fire last season. The siren worked well to the north, but the people in the south did not hear it. Bob Brunkow offered to place the siren on top of his hanger. No action was taken at this time.
Lighting is a problem at the hanger. Steve Knopp has offered to donate a generator to the association for the hanger.
Fire fighting reviewed by Greg Bruce:
Prevost Dock- Keep the dock for fifteen feet and under. Please abide by this.
Storage Hanger- Greg Bruce reported that the slab has been poured. Greg asked for volunteers to close in the room for dry storage.
Burn pile – The association thanked Mark Green and Earl Root for taking care of the burn pile. A reminder was made that the burn pile is only for yard debris and wood. Please no nails or metal in the pile.
Finance Report - Diane Noble made the financial report. She referenced the 2010-11 Expense Report that members had received in the mail and the information in the agenda packet.
Nancy Moore, CPA, helped Diane Noble with our books and audited the books. Nancy discussed the consolidation of the books from years past to a Quick Books program. Nancy reported that she is confident that our books are in order. She offered to help Sally with the books in the future.
2010-11 Budget Proposal
The association will be purchasing a new laptop and Quickbooks update for the officers.
There was a motion and second to approve the 2010-11 budget as proposed. Approved unanimously.
The Bylaw Committee made new recommendations at this time. The new board will meet with the committee and proceed from there.
Sally Linwick reported on the 4th celebration. Sally asked for volunteers to help with the games. Gloria Jones and June Bohannon volunteered to help.
Mel Brown and Patricia Branstetter, long time residents of Stuart Island, passed away this year.
Greg Bruce and Diane Noble’s terms are completed. Candy Mauseth resigned and her position needs to be filled. Secretary and Treasure jobs will be separated into two positions.
Denny Swirtz, Greg Schmitt, Joe DeMarsh, and June Bohannon were nominated.
Three positions needed to be filled, and it was decided the one with the most votes would replace Candy’s position for one year.
The new board members are: Denny Swirtz, June Bohannon, and Greg Schmitt will fill the one year position.
The sand pile at the west end of the runway is for the association use only.
Loie Benson made several announcements about the schools fund raising projects and play. She also announced about the Lighthouse being open July and August.
A big thankyou and round of applause for the exiting board members Diane, Greg, and Candy.
A big thank you was given to Greg Bruce for setting up the Stuart Island Website.
Gloria Jones gave a report from the state fisheries and a website to check for recreation sports fishing and crabbing.
Greg Bruce announced if anyone was interested in a community garden to please see him.
Potluck tonight.
Great adjourned the meeting at 12:30.
07/08/10 draft/jb
There was a short add-on meeting for the new 2010-11 board, who selected the following officers areas of responsibility:
President Rhys Spoor spoordds@msn.com Fire Proection
Vice Pres Steve Knopp Steve@pponk.com Dock & Roads
Treasurer Sally Linwick slinkwick@comcast.net Finance,Socials
Secretary June Bohannon junie87@juno.com Admin, Socials
Trustee Denny Swirtz pswirtz@yahoo.com Airport, Burn Pile
Trustee Greg Schmidt Flyasa@aol.com Dock & Roads