
Minutes of Annual Meeting

Stuart Island Airway Park Owner’s Association

May 24, 2009


Trustees in Attendance:


John Bunton, Pres,                    Greg Bruce                   Sally Linwick

Candice Mauseth, V.P.             Fritz Bright                   Absent: Diane Noble, Sec’y/Treas.


The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by President, John Bunton.  There were approximately 60 members in attendance.  John asked the Board and members in attendance to introduce themselves.



The minutes of last year’s annual meeting, May 25, 2008 were approved without any changes or corrections.


Board Reports

            Roads – John reported on the successful completion of the gravel project on the road at the east end of the runway.  He asked everyone to help with ongoing care of the roads, filling in mud holes as they develop, and avoid driving through them.


            Airfield – Fritz reported the airfield is in good shape and thanked Denny & Patt Swirtz for ongoing mowing/fertilizing and for closing the airfield for one day in February.  The Association now has 2 new mowers and one old mower.  Greg thanked Rhys and Margaret Spoor for donating and putting up the new wind sock on the east end. John reported that at the meeting the previous evening, the Board had decided to temporarily donate and designate the old mower to mowing Recreation Lots A & B unless there are serious objections from Association members.  Those two lots have previously been mowed by Ted Zimmerman.  The Board will be sending a letter to the full membership to make sure there is approval of a plan to maintain this area.


            Fire Protection – Greg reported that the fire wagons are leaking and have been an ongoing project.  He was looking at replacement tanks costing ~$800 and the proposed funds were budgeted.  But then Greg talked to Denny Swirtz and he has replacement tanks that are a perfect fit.  Fritz and Greg have been working on the plumbing for them and they should work for now, saving the money, and at a minimum postponing the need for replacement rigs.  Instead, with the budgeted funds Greg will look for new engines and pumps.  Further, Greg reported that as of last summer there’s a new pump on the dock that will quickly fill the fire wagon tanks with salt water.  In the event of fire, one tank could be filling while the other wagon is fighting the fire, etc.  Greg thanked Denny for the tanks and all his hard work on the old tanks.  John suggested we have a demo of the fire equipment over the 4th of July weekend. 


Greg said the San Juan Co. Fire Marshall had suggested Stuart Islanders clear out the grasses and especially salal from around their cabins & structures.


Candy asked if we may want to move the Fire Danger status sign up higher on the hangar building to “tamper-proof” it if people keep changing the status arbitrarily.  We won’t move it for now.  John asked the members to keep an eye open for island safety issues and let board members hear their suggestions.


            Prevost Dock - John reported that last summer Craig Campbell had cinched down the dock with rope and chain and he and Craig fixed the short ramp at the top.  It appears to be in good shape, though someone had mentioned it may have drifted a little.  He reported on a successful cleanup work project at the dock late last summer and thanked those who came out to help.  There are lots of unused dinghy’s down there that aren’t being used—long-term dingy storage should be at members’ own property. Also John said the Prevost parking area was improved with only two “delinquent” vehicles that we couldn’t mow around.  And he reminded members that the summer dock etiquette calls for bow tie only, 15 ft. max., use north end for load/unload only.


Emergency – Candy asked Rhys Spoor to give a report on the emergency warning system he and Donny Galt have been working on.  Rhys provided a Stuart Island Emergency Response Signals & Plan handout for members (attached). He found a 110-decibel electric horn, which would be run by a 12 v. battery with a switch.  The horn would call islanders to come quickly to help with an emergency.  Our Association AED gives heart attack victims a 50% chance of survival vs. 5-10% for only CPR.  Rhys suggested checklists and instructions for all types of emergency equipment.  Rhys thinks we can get the horn hooked up for about $200.  Craig Campbell asked if Rhys would have a drill of the system when it’s ready.


EMS Location Map – Greg informed the group that the County is requiring us to name our roads! They need our input by then end of this summer to incorporate into their countywide EMS maps.  Manca Valum is heading up our own island EMS location map, but has been delayed by family health responsibilities.  Charlene Renquist suggested we use Stuart Island “pioneer” names such as Sogn, Lord, Zimmerman. The two or three roads on Plat II were named.  Sharon Boyd said that on San Juan Island only those properties owners along an unnamed road are involved in naming a given road.  Greg will post all the information on our Assn. website. The goal of San Juan County is to have E911 addresses for the entire county published by 2011.  Candy would like owners’ GPS readings to give to Manca.  There was a suggestion that we keep a plat map with owner names in the mail shack.


Storage Hangar -  John reported there was a Hangar committee in 2006 and he hopes anyone who is interested in the next phase of enclosing the storage bay contact the board.


Burn Pile – John reported that Mark Green handled the burn pile this winter and thanked him for his work.


Finance – Sally made the report in Diane’s absence.  She referenced the 2008-09 Expense Report that members had received in the mail and the information in the agenda packet. 


2009-10 Budget Proposal

Candy explained the proposed budget that was mailed to members.  Patt Swirtz commented that it appears we have funds we haven’t spent from the previous years’ budget.  Candy explained that any money left unspent in the prior year is deducted from the amount needed for the upcoming year.


There was a motion and second to approve the 2009-10 budget as proposed. Approved unanimously.


Bylaws Committee Report

Sally reported on the Bylaw review work of the Committee and review of Washington State regulations for Associations.  Each Committee member has written up their suggestions the their separate assignment.  Next, the Committee will meet to review/consolidate suggestions and present them to the Board in July.  Based on the Board’s response/changes, we’ll send a mailing to all Association members in August.  One Board policy we made this year was to change the fiscal year-end to April 30.  This enables us to meet our obligation to provide financial information members two weeks before the annual meeting.  One of the suggestions for changes to the Bylaws will be to formally change the financial cut-off to April 30.  Once the Association members respond to each recommendation, we will evaluate the response and determine the next step.


Summer Activities

John asked for volunteers for the 4th of July to assist Sally.  Sally will chair; she needs help running the games.  Mary Bruce volunteered



Carole Campbell, John Bunton, and Carol Schmitt spoke in memory of Ted Zimmerman.  Charlene Renquist expressed thanks for all of Ted’s time, energy, and equipment he had donated to the community that people never knew about.


John remembered Norm Mills, long-time resident of Stuart Island .



John opened nominations for Fritz and John’s two positions on the Board:


Nominated:       Steve Knopp, 5-year member

                        Ted Teren , 31-year member

                        Rhys Spoor 5-year member

                        Carol Schmitt, 6-year member


Each gave a brief statement.  The new board members are:  Steve Knopp & Rhys Spoor.



John reported that Turn Point Light Station needs volunteers in August. There are flyers in the mail shack.  There will be another open house at the lighthouse this year.


Tonight’s potluck!


Candy extended a big thanks to John and Fritz for all their hard work on the Board over the past three years and presented them with a token of our appreciation.


Open Discussion

Steve Knopp requests we move the mail shack as it is in the taxiway.


John adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m.




There was a short add-on meeting of the new 2009-10 board, who selected the following officers and areas of responsibility:


President          -           Candy Mauseth            -           Admin., Emergency, Budget

Vice President  -           Greg Bruce                    -          Airfield, Web site

Sec’y/Treas      -           Diane Noble                 -           Admin., Finance

Trustee             -           Sally Linwick                -           Finance,  Socials

Trustee             -           Steve Knopp                -           Roads

Trustee             -           Rhys Spoor                  -           Dock, Fire Protection


07/07/09 draft/dn